Northwest Plastic Surgery Associates

Thigh Lift Surgery

Oct 8, 2012 @ 06:27 AM — by Stephen Hardy M.D.
Tagged with: Thigh Lift Liposuction Plastic Surgery

The thighs are a common area of the body where skin loses its elasticity and begins to sag as we age. Even people who are within their ideal weight range may find that the skin on their inner thighs rub together or the appearance of “saddle bags” has developed on the outer thighs.  People who have recently lost a large amount of weight are especially likely to have loose folds of skin around the thighs. Dr. Stephen P. Hardy, a respected Missoula plastic surgeon, performs thigh lift surgery to remove excess skin and fat from the thighs. Thigh lift surgery leaves patients with thighs that are thinner and more toned.

Thigh Lift Surgery

The ideal candidates for thigh lift surgery are those that are within 20 pounds of their ideal weight, have excess skin and fat around the thighs, are in overall good health, and are free of complications that can make surgery high risk. Patients who meet these criteria may consider thigh lift surgery. Thigh lift surgery can be performed to correct the appearance of the inner and/or outer thighs. Dr. Hardy will make one incision on each thigh and remove skin and fat to give the thighs a longer, leaner appearance. We try to make this incision as inconspicuous as possible so that scarring will be discreet. We usually suggest to our patients in Missoula, liposuction be included in the procedure so that we can remove unsightly fat deposits. By performing liposuction, Dr. Hardy can maximize the results of thigh lift surgery.


A thigh lift is a surgical procedure so it is important for patients who undergo thigh lift surgery to have realistic expectations of the recovery time. The most common symptoms a patient will experience following thigh lift surgery are bruising, swelling, and numbness around the thighs. It is a good idea to have a comfortable area set up before you come home from surgery. You should be well supplied with pillows, ice, and pain medication. Give yourself plenty of time to rest and avoid doing any heavy lifting or strenuous exercise. It may take up to six weeks to fully recover from surgery. Your scar will fade as healing progresses, but once it has healed completely, an inconspicuous scar will remain.


It is unlikely for patients to experience complications following thigh lift surgery. However, some patients may experience

If you follow Dr. Hardy’s instructions regarding care and recovery time, you are more likely to avoid these complications. If you do experience any of the above symptoms, contact Dr. Hardy immediately.

Schedule an Appointment

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your thighs and would like to learn more about thigh lift surgery, schedule an appointment with Dr. Stephen P. Hardy. We want to help you obtain the body you desire.