Northwest Plastic Surgery Associates

Gynecomastia Treatment

Dec 8, 2012 @ 11:00 AM — by Stephen Hardy M.D.
Tagged with: Male Breast Reduction Liposuction Plastic Surgery

Gynecomastia is the development of large mammary glands in men, or the retention of body fat in the pectoral area. In some cases, gynecomastia may be a result of both factors. The result is a chest that approaches a feminine shape, and it can make many men feel extremely self-conscious about the way they look. Gynecomastia can happen for two reasons: the first is a high percentage of body fat; the other is hormonal fluctuations. The development of gynecomastia during adolescence is fairly common, and can subside by a man’s early 20s. However, if gynecomastia persists past age 25, specific measures can be taken to produce a more masculine contour. Exercise can help you achieve an improved chest shape, but fat deposits in the pectoral region can sometimes be very stubborn. If dedicated exercise and a healthy diet fail to help you achieve the chest shape you want, you may want to consider undergoing male breast reduction surgery with Missoula plastic surgeon Stephen P. Hardy.

As with all of our procedures, gynecomastia surgery is preceded by a detailed consultation, during which you can ask any questions and voice your concerns and goals. Also during this time, the approach to your surgery will be determined.

Fat Removal

For our patients in Missoula, liposuction can be performed if excess fat is the primary cause of your gynecomastia. Most frequently, small incisions are made around the breast area to surgically suction fat from beneath the skin. A special tool called a cannula is inserted and moved gently back and forth to loosen fatty tissue. Next, the cannula suctions the fatty tissue from beneath the skin. 

Removal of Excess Skin

If excess skin and glandular tissue are to blame in a case of gynecomastia, excision techniques are used. In this case, a special incision may be made around the nipple. The glandular tissue is removed through the incision, and any excess skin is also removed. Finally, the nipple is repositioned and the incisions are closed. If needed, liposuction can be combined with the removal of excess tissue and skin to achieve the results you desire.

Male Breast Reduction Recovery

For our Missoula patients, male breast reduction always results in scars, but measures are taken to minimize scarring following gynecomastia surgery. Scars can be concealed in the natural contours of your chest, and you can take measures such as wearing sunscreen and avoiding direct sunlight to minimize the appearance of scars.

All surgery, including gynecomastia surgery, carries risks. In this case, these risks include infection, unfavorable scarring, breast asymmetry, persistent pain, fluid accumulation, and blood clots. The surest way to achieve the results you want is to work with an experienced and reputable surgeon.

The results of male breast reduction surgery are long-lasting. In many cases, they are permanent. Many men find they are able to confidently bare their chest at the pool or beach, and that their new chest shape better complements their wardrobe. You can maximize the results of your surgery by remaining at a stable weight through proper diet and exercise. You will receive detailed instructions on how long to wait before starting or resuming any kind of physical activity following your surgery. Contact our Missoula practice to learn more.