Northwest Plastic Surgery Associates

Laser-assisted Liposuction

Nov 11, 2013 @ 08:33 PM — by Stephen Hardy M.D.
Tagged with: Liposuction Plastic Surgery

If you are close to your ideal body weight but still maintain stubborn isolated areas of fat that simply won’t seem to go away, then laser liposuction may be for you. Laser liposuction is a new, FDA-approved innovation in plastic surgery that utilizes the latest industry techniques available.

What Is Laser Liposuction?

Laser liposuction works by producing a burst of energy that enters the fat cells and liquefies them. The laser energy is delivered through a thin fiber that is inserted via tiny incisions in the skin.

When determining if laser liposuction is right for you, it is important to first schedule a consultation with your plastic surgeon, during which your surgeon will review your medical history, talk to you about your goals for the liposuction, and determine if you are an ideal candidate for laser liposuction. You may also get measurements and photos taken. Becoming informed will allow you to make the best decision for you.

Benefits of Laser Liposuction Versus Traditional Liposuction

With a traditional liposuction method, a cannula is pushed into the fat to remove it.

With a laser liposuction, the fat is melted ahead of time using laser energy. The liquefied fat is then suctioned out using the cannula. This is a much gentler technique since the fat becomes much easier to remove. Because of this technique, the typical result is less bruising and swelling along with a faster recovery time.

An added benefit is that the heat from the laser can stimulate collagen growth in the skin, which can further promote tightening and overall smoothing of the area that has been treated with liposuction.

Traditional liposuction methods are unable to provide this added benefit since no heat is used with traditional liposuction.

Common Questions About Laser Liposuction

Learn More about Laser Liposuction

Laser liposuction is a recent innovation that makes it easier for your plastic surgeon to remove fat, leaving you with better results and a shorter recovery time. If you are considering liposuction, this may be the right option for you. To learn more about laser liposuction, contact North West Plastic Surgery Associates to schedule a consultation and be on your way to a more confident you!