Northwest Plastic Surgery Associates

Improve Body Contours with CoolSculpting®

Oct 15, 2015 @ 10:00 AM — by Stephen Hardy M.D.
Tagged with: Coolsculpting Liposuction

It doesn’t matter who you talk to, unwanted fat seems to be a problem for just about anyone. This is because fat does not always respond to diet and exercise. While liposuction can permanently eliminate stubborn fat deposits, many patients do not want to risk undergoing surgery just to improve their figure. Fortunately, these patients have another option. CoolSculpting® destroys fat deposits and offers patients a way to get rid of unwanted fat and improve body contours, all without surgery. To find out if you are a good candidate for CoolSculpting®, contact our Missoula, MT practice today.

What Is CoolSculpting®?

Although just about everyone has heard of liposuction, few are familiar with CoolSculpting® treatment. CoolSculpting® is a non-surgical procedure that can permanently eliminate unwanted fat deposits. Treatment typically takes just about an hour, and it is non-invasive, meaning that patients are able to return to their regular routines without any downtime for recovery.

CoolSculpting® uses controlled cooling to freeze targeted fat cells. The freezing destroys these fat cells so that the body can naturally eliminate them over time. This low-risk procedure can tone trouble areas and improve overall body contours for those patients who are ideal treatment candidates.

Am I a Candidate?

Once patients learn about CoolSculpting®, most are eager to find out if they are candidates. Because this procedure is non-invasive, there are few risks associated with treatment. That means that CoolSculpting® is a safe treatment option for just about all of our patients. However, patients need to have realistic expectations for the results of treatment. CoolSculpting® is not meant as a weight loss solution. In order for treatment to be a success, patients should be within 30 pounds of their ideal weight. CoolSculpting® also does not offer as drastic of a change as liposuction treatment. However, for patients who are dealing with specific problem areas, and for those who wish to avoid surgical treatment, CoolSculpting® may be the ideal solution. CoolSculpting® can address any of the following concerns:

Another aspect of CoolSculpting® treatment that appeals to many patients is that the results are more gradual than with surgical treatment. In the weeks and months following treatment, the body will gradually flush away the dead fat cells. Many appreciate these steady results because their body seems to change more naturally and it is not apparent that they have undergone cosmetic treatment.

Schedule an Appointment

If CoolSculpting® treatment sounds like it may be right for you, it is time to schedule an appointment at Northwest Plastic Surgery Associates. We will be happy to discuss CoolSculpting® treatment with you in further detail and let you know if you are an ideal candidate for this body contouring solution. We look forward to hearing from you!