Northwest Plastic Surgery Associates

Inframammary Breast Augmentation Incision: Knowing the Pros and Cons

Dec 16, 2015 @ 12:04 PM — by Stephen Hardy M.D.
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation

At Northwest Plastic Surgery Associates, PLLC, we take time to explain a patient's surgical options in full detail. Paying attention to the unique needs of the patient makes us one of the leading cosmetic surgery centers in Missoula.

This is especially important for breast augmentation surgery, which uses implants to enhance curves. Let's take a moment to go over one surgical technique right now: the inframammary incision method.

About Inframammary Breast Augmentation Surgery

Inframammary breast augmentation surgery is one of the most common ways of performing the procedure. During inframammary breast augmentation, an incision is made underneath the breast in the crease where the bottom of the breast meets the chest. Through this incision, breast implants can be placed and positioned properly, enhancing the overall curvature and prominence of the breasts.

Silicone and Saline Breast Implants Can Be Used

One of the reasons that the inframammary approach is so popular is that plastic surgeons can place silicone breast implants as well as saline breast implants. Similarly, there are few restrictions with the size and shape of the breast implants that can be placed.

Additional Control and Efficiency in Breast Augmentation Surgery

In addition to great ability to place silicone and saline breast implants, the inframammary incision allows surgeons to have a great deal of control over the placement and position of the implants. This is due to the direct proximity of the incision site to the muscles of the chest and the mammary gland. It is easier to position an implant under the muscle or over the muscle using this breast augmentation technique.

How Big Is the Surgical Incision?

This can vary from patient to patient based on their current breast size and their aesthetic goals. With that said, keep in mind that plastic surgeons always work to make incisions as small and non-invasive as possible. All attempts will be made to ensure the incision is well-hidden even though it is located on the breast.

What Will Post-Surgical Scarring Be Like?

As with incision size, this is dependent on the patient's situation. Many patients who undergo the inframammary breast augmentation have some scarring, though it remains concealed by most tops, bathing suits, and undergarments. With time, the scar will fade and become less noticeable.

Other patients may have issues with scarring that are genetic. In these cases, scars may become upraised or appear more prominent. In those cases, another incision method and approach to breast augmentation surgery should be considered.

Other Methods of Performing Breast Augmentation

There are three other common methods of performing breast augmentation surgery. They are as follows:

Contact Northwest Plastic Surgery Associates, PLLC

For more information about inframammary breast augmentation surgery and how it can help you achieve your aesthetic goals, be sure to contact our cosmetic plastic surgery practice today. The entire team at Northwest Plastic Surgery Associates, PLLC looks forward to your visit and helping you look your absolute best.