Northwest Plastic Surgery Associates

Thigh Lift vs. Thigh Liposuction: Which Is Right for You?

Jul 18, 2016 @ 03:15 PM — by Stephen Hardy M.D.
Tagged with: Liposuction Thigh Lift Plastic Surgery

At North West Plastic Surgery Associates, Dr. Stephen P. Hardy and his team of experienced professionals work with patients to provide them with precisely the body contouring results that they desire, whatever they may be. Dr. Hardy listens to his patients’ aesthetic goals and carefully evaluates their cases, taking into consideration their unique proportions and how best to bring various elements of their figures into harmony. He then proposes the treatment plan most likely to produce the best possible results.

Among the most common problem areas for our patients is the thigh region. It is for this reason that Dr. Hardy offers thigh lift and thigh liposuction, both of which can help to tone and restore definition to the upper legs. However, contrary to what some patients believe going into their consultations, the two procedures are not interchangeable, let alone one and the same. It is extremely important that patients understand the differences between the procedures so that they can make confident decisions as to which one is best suited to their unique cases.

Dr. Hardy often discusses the issue of thigh lift vs. thigh liposuction during consultations at his Missoula, MT plastic surgery practice, helping patients to arrive at the treatment plan that is right for them. If you are interested in discovering which thigh reshaping option would be best suited to your case, we invite you to contact North West Plastic Surgery Associates to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Hardy today.

What Is Thigh Lift?

Thigh lift surgery is a comprehensive procedure in that it removes both excess skin and excess fat from the thigh area. Depending on where these excess tissues have accumulated, they can be removed from either the inner or outer thighs. Dr. Hardy most commonly performs inner thigh lift. If a patient is experiencing only minor issues with her inner thighs, then a minimally invasive mini inner thigh lift may be all that is necessary.

The purpose of a thigh lift is to correct sagging of the thigh skin through the surgical excision of excess skin and subsequent tightening of the remaining skin.

What Is Thigh Liposuction?

Unlike thigh lift surgery, thigh liposuction does not involve the removal of excess skin or the tightening of lax skin. Rather, it addresses only isolated accumulations of fat on the thighs. Dr. Hardy uses a device called a cannula to break up the fat cells and then safely and gently suction them out without disturbing nearby healthy tissues. Thigh liposuction is generally reserved for patients who are at or near their ideal weights and who have good skin elasticity, but who have deposits of fat on the thighs that do not respond to diet and exercise.

It is worth noting that thigh lift surgery and thigh liposuction can be combined for excellent results.

Learn More about Thigh Lift vs. Thigh Liposuction

If you would like to learn more about thigh lift and thigh liposuction, please contact Northwest Plastic Surgery Associates today.