Northwest Plastic Surgery Associates

Everything You Need to Know about Eyelid Surgery for Men

May 2, 2018 @ 06:22 PM — by Stephen Hardy M.D.
Tagged with: Eyelid Surgery

Among the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures for men, eyelid surgery ranks at the top of the list. Known in the medical field as blepharoplasty, eyelid surgery removes excess fat and tissue around the eyes to reduce sagging and produce a more youthful, refreshed appearance. 

At Northwest Plastic Surgery Associates in Missoula, MT, our doctors understand the subtle differences in male and female facial anatomy. Therefore, when performing eyelid surgery for men, we know what is necessary to deliver optimal results. 

All about Eyelid Surgery

At our practice, every treatment plan will be personalized according to the aesthetic goals of the patient. Some men may wish to address sagginess under the eyes, while others may desire a more rejuvenated appearance around the upper lids. In both cases, excess fat and tissue are removed to provide a more taut and smooth appearance. 

For lower eyelid surgery, the incision is typically made just beneath the lashes. For upper eyelid surgery, it is generally created in the natural fold of the eyelid.

Who Is a Candidate for Male Eyelid Surgery?

As with any cosmetic procedure, candidates should be in good general health, and should not have any medical conditions that could impede healing. Most patients who seek this treatment are at least 35 years of age. However, eyelid surgery can be performed on younger patients if it is necessary. 

Men considering eyelid surgery may have:

As always, patients should have a thorough understanding of the procedure, and have realistic expectations of the outcome. Before moving forward with treatment, a comprehensive assessment will take place. During this visit, all concerns will be addressed and all questions will be answered. 

Healing and Recovery

Immediately following eyelid surgery, results will not be readily noticeable due to post-operative swelling. However, as the inflammation diminishes over the next several days, the results will become more evident. Generally, it takes about five to 10 days for the skin around the eyes to adjust to the new contour. During your healing period, it is important to closely follow the guidelines given to you by your doctor. Doing so will help you enjoy a quick and successful recovery. 

Are There Risks Associated with Eyelid Surgery?

Any time you undergo surgery, there is the chance for complications. However, blepharoplasty carries a low risk for problems when performed skillfully. Aside from typical side effects such as bruising and swelling, there is a slight chance for skin irregularities, infections, or scarring.

Dermal Fillers vs Eyelid Surgery

Many of our patients want to know if there is a non-surgical alternative to blepharoplasty. Dermal fillers are effective for restoring a certain degree of volume. However, the only way to eliminate excess skin is through surgery. Therefore, many patients find that eyelid surgery delivers the desired results. 

Learn More about Eyelid Surgery for Men

Today, more and more men are reaping the benefits of plastic surgery. Using advanced technology and methods, our doctors can create a more youthful, vibrant look around the eyes while still maintaining a masculine appearance. To learn more about this cosmetic procedure, schedule a consultation with one of our doctors. You can contact us online anytime or call our office at (406) 728-3811.